The Defendants in France’s Rape Trial Are Telling Us Something Horrifying
The past few weeks have been a brutal reminder that ignorance or the claiming of it can be a convenient tool of the powerful.
By Valentine Faure
The past few weeks have been a brutal reminder that ignorance or the claiming of it can be a convenient tool of the powerful.
By Valentine Faure
Trump remains well outside a bipartisan consensus on competing with China.
By Rush Doshi
My attempt at explaining the murder, rape and famine in Sudan.
By Nicholas Kristof
Much of what’s still undeveloped offers some the best defenses against climate change.
By Ted Kerasote
Europe will not be secure — and will not be whole and free — until Ukraine is in NATO. Ukraine will not agree to end the war without membership.
By William B. Taylor
Now is the time to bolster regional cooperation and make a broad effort to confront Iran.
By Benny Gantz
For many Brazilians, the First Capital Command’s push into politics across the nation has been a shock.
By Will Freeman
Despite the supreme leader’s stated religious objections to nuclear weapons, Tehran has been steadily making progress on its nuclear weapons capabilities over the course of the past year.
By Reuel Marc Gerecht and Ray Takeyh
Last week the president of Russia appeared to lower the threshold for his country’s use of nuclear weapons. It wasn’t subtle, and it wasn’t meant to be.
By Lawrence Freedman
In some countries, the job of a president or prime minister is a visionary one. Not here in the Netherlands.
By Ben Coates