Election 2024 Polls: Maryland

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Election 2024 Polls: Maryland

Who’s leading the polls?

Maryland polling average

About this data Note: Individual poll results are shown as circles for each candidate. Polls with greater weight in the average have larger circles. Some state averages started later in 2024 because of a lack of sufficient early polling. Source: Averages by The New York Times; polls collected by FiveThirtyEight and The Times.

Nate CohnChief political analyst

The presidential race just keeps getting tighter. With three weeks to go, The New York Times’s polling average shows Kamala Harris and Donald Trump essentially tied across the seven key battleground states. It’s hard to think of any election when so many critical states were so close in the polls at this stage. Updated Oct. 14

The latest Maryland polls

About this data Note: Some polls may include responses for “undecided” or other candidates that may not be included in this table. Margins are calculated using unrounded vote shares when available. Source: Polls collected by FiveThirtyEight and The New York Times.

Ruth IgielnikStaff editor, polling

Polls by “select pollsters” are shown with a diamond. These pollsters have backgrounds that tend to mean they are more reliable. Also, polls that were conducted by or for partisan organizations are labeled, as they often release only results that are favorable to their cause.

From Biden to Harris

This chart shows how the polling margin in Maryland has changed over the course of the campaign, first for the Biden vs. Trump matchup, and now for Harris vs. Trump.

About this data Note: Head-to-head average shown for the Biden vs. Trump matchup. The Harris vs. Trump average includes polls conducted before Biden announced he was dropping out of the race and polls including Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Nate CohnChief political analyst

In late July and August, Harris made steady gains. Those gains seem to have slowed, suggesting she’s mostly consolidated her potential support. Any additional gains won’t be easy. If even a consensus debate victory can’t move the needle, it’s hard to see what would give either candidate a meaningful edge in the polls over the final stretch. Updated Sept. 23

About our polling averages

Our averages include polls collected by The New York Times and by FiveThirtyEight. The estimates adjust for a variety of factors, including the recency and sample size of a poll, whether a poll represents likely voters, and whether other polls have shifted since a poll was conducted.

We also evaluate whether each pollster: Has a track record of accuracy in recent electionsIs a member of a professional polling organizationConducts probability-based sampling

These elements factor into how much weight each poll gets in the average. And we consider pollsters that meet at least two of the three criteria to be “select pollsters,” so long as they are conducting polls for nonpartisan sponsors. Read more about our methodology.

The Times conducts its own national and state polls in partnership with Siena College. Those polls are included in the averages. Follow Times/Siena polling here.

Maine and Nebraska award two electoral votes to the statewide winner and a single electoral vote to the winner of each congressional district. (Maine has two congressional districts, and Nebraska has three.) Historical election results for these districts are calculated based on votes cast within the current boundaries of the district.

Sources: Polling averages by The New York Times. Individual polls collected by FiveThirtyEight and The Times.


By Cam Baker, Laura Bejder Jensen, Ademola Bello, Dana Chiueh, Nate Cohn, Molly Cook Escobar, Annie Daniel, Ruth Igielnik, K.K. Rebecca Lai, Jasmine C. Lee, Alex Lemonides, Albert Sun, Rumsey Taylor and Isaac White. Additional work by Kristen Bayrakdarian, Asmaa Elkeurti, Andrew Fischer, Andrew Park, Jaymin Patel, Ethan Singer and James Thomas.